Monday, September 28, 2009

My heart


Slept 12 hours and I am so tired that I can barely type for the last 4 hours.

Very Random.

If your butt was made of wood, could you still get splinters in it?

I am feeling sick and sleepy.  Not a good sign.  Have work to do today and my knee hurts because that cold front is coming in.  Sucks!

I have this weird thing with my heart.  It is referred to as "early heart beats" and basically feels like my heart randomly jumps......

{It is caused by an electrical pulse in another part of my heart being stronger than the main pulse that causes your normal heart beat.  Did you know that different parts of your heart has different electrical pulses and that they can beat at different times?  You do now!  And don't ever say that I didn't teach you something!}

Back to my story....  Anyway, when I drink something with caffeine it makes the early beats go away because it speeds up my pulse.  The downside is that the caffeine makes my stomach upset.  If I don't drink caffeine for some reason, then I get several of these beats and it causes me to be a little light headed.  If I stop the caffeine completely, those random beats are more prevalent but my stomach is much better.  If I start drinking caffeine again, I get less of those beats but I am back to the upset stomach.  Sucks, except that I love Dr. Pepper and that is my excuse to drink it!  Nothing medical science can do about it.  Not something I will die from, but will just die with.

Why do people change their attitude when you cry in front of them?  Does crying really break down a person's resolve?  I've never understood it.  I've been victim of it before and a couple of times I didn't change how I felt or acted.  I guess it depends on the situation and if the person is crying because there is a real reason to cry.  

Is it wrong for me to want children just so I can say:  "I'll give you something to cry about" or "You are just like your Mother" or "I'm telling Santa Claus how much of a brat you are being" or "If you don't like it, get a job and get your own place...I don't care that you are only 5!" or "Hide Daddy's drugs, the cops are comin"

BTW....I'm just kidding. 

Found a mystery that boggles all space and time:  If all we are is dust in the wind and our bodies are mostly made up of water, why aren't we mud on the inside? 

If you like my posts, please tell me.  I am desperate for attention and need validation!  Just kidding. 
